Hello everyone!
My apologies for the long absence from the blog- I've been getting used to being more regular on other social media, and as a result, the blog took a back seat. But from now on, I am going to try really hard to commit to at least one post a week, in addition to everything else. Practice makes perfect, and it takes a while to develop new habits and make them stick, so I've just got to keep sticking, or something ;-)
Anyhow, if you've taken a look at the shop lately, you've seen there are NEW YARNS! New lambswool, and new skeins in a silk/viscose/angora blend. The latter two skeins... I could weep, they are so lovely. The glow that emanates from them is nothing short of MAGNIFICENT. The boring, dirty shade of beige that the yarn originally was did nothing to highlight the beauty of the fiber.
LOOK at that freakin' yarn! Can you even, because I can't.
I learned a few more things during my last sweater acquisition- things about seams. Usually, I just check the seams at the end of the sleeve and the bottom of the sweater, thinking that if those are good, the whole sweater is good. And... I would be wrong. Actually, I'm not even sure what happened with this sweater, because the ENTIRE DAMN THING is serged together. How did I not notice this? I'm gonna blame it on the weird lady who was commenting on the radio show that was playing in the store while I was selecting sweaters. Yeah, it's all her fault!
I have yet to dye the cotton/linen portion (yes, I found some SWEET linen to work with!) from this batch of sweaters, but I anticipate getting it done some time this week. I still have a little of the glorious silk blend left to work with, but I haven't yet decided on my intentions for that. Check out the total haul, though!
There was also this sweater, which I knew wouldn't over-dye well, having a high acrylic content- but I thought that I could get a few interesting shades on it, at least. Except... for whatever reason, this sweater is impossible to pull apart. I gave up, and I think I'll just keep it for myself to wear. It's a really gorgeous shade of blue, that's for damn sure!
While we're still on the topic of learning, I would like to mention that over the last few months, my spinning and plying, especially with lurex, has VASTLY improved. As I had no one to learn from, no YouTube videos on the subject to pull up, I had to find my own method and improve on it from there. Because of this, I now judge many of my first attempts to be vastly inferior, and somewhat embarrassing, when compared to the more recent skeins I've produced. As a result, I am going to turn these earlier yarns into finished objects to sell, rather than selling them as yarn. I'd feel more comfortable knitting with yarn I deem sub-par, than letting someone else knit with it and be dissatisfied, thinking that ALL my yarn was scorn worthy! This also allows people to see the possibilities for the yarn- once they see how a certain skein works up into a shawl or a hat, for example, they'll be able to visualize other yarn in the shop being worked up into whatever they are interested in making.
(It will also satisfy my grabby hands, greedy desire to knit with all of the yarn I make, even though I know that's terribly naughty of me.)
In the spirit of expanding and diversifying my products, I'm also very interested in making more stitch marker sets. There's a lovely snag free, rose themed set in the shop now, and all the jewelry making supplies I've managed to hoard over the years are waiting to be turned into knitting jewelry as well. In addition to sets, I think I'd like to make a free stitch marker with every order a regular thing. It was initially just for the first ten orders, but I know that as a customer, I'd be pretty excited about a free stitch marker with every order!
I would also like to create more patterns for the shop, and I had a MAJOR fire for designing lit under me for the most part this summer, but then I just kind of lost motivation. I battle bouts of depression from time to time, and I had two this summer that rained on my parade in a big way. Lately, I've been picking up steam in an even bigger way, thankfully. I'm making a few changes in the way my brain and subconscious work, I'm changing old attitudes and programming about money and success, and I'm really optimistic that I will be able to grow my business, reach more people, and create more and more beautiful yarns.
I am also thinking of re-opening my old Etsy shop, Magick Cat Knits. That shop will be for things I've knit that are NOT from recycled yarn. I have so many hats and fingerless gloves that I've knit over the years that I wasn't able to sell in my Storenvy shop. But now that I know how titles and tags and SEO work, I'm confident that I can sell them this time around. They are really well made, unique pieces, so there's no reason why they shouldn't sell!
Ok, I think that's about all I've got to update with for now. As always, you can find me on
Facebook, on
Etsy, and on Instagram as Magick Cat String Sanctuary.
I hope the rest of your week is full of joy and inspiration!
"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age."
- Sophia Loren
Fibrously Yours,
The Yarn Goddess